Endemics and subendemics

Around 30 endemic species and subspecies occur in the north-eastern Limestone Alps. Of these, 21 species occur in Upper Austria. In the area of Kalkalpen National Park , 14 Northeastern Alps endemics (subendemics and endemics) were identified in the course of biotope mapping. Some of the endemics, such as the black margined daisy, the Traunsee bedstraw or the Austrian spurge, are quite common in the national park, while others have only been detected sporadically.

Three delicate white anemones with yellow flower heads bloom between the limestone rocks
Flowers of the anemone ornamental flower ©HerfriedMarek

Endemic occurrences and their frequency:

German name

Scientific name

Frequency / number of biotope areas

Eastern Alps yarrow (endemic) Achillea clusiana 26
Ennstal silver mantle (endemic) Alchemilla anisiaca 182
Anemone ornamental flower (endemic Callianthemum anemonoides 75
Dark bellflower (endemic) Campanula pulla 101
Eastern Alps carnation (endemic) Dianthus alpinus 40
Star-haired rock flower (endemic) Draba stellata 10
Austrian spurge (endemic) Euphorbia austriaca 235
Traunsee bedstraw (subendemic) Galium truniacum 245
Black margined daisy (endemic) Leucanthemum atratum 339
Alpine pursewort (endemic) Thlaspi alpestre 74
Northeast alpine poppy (endemic) Papaver alpinum alpinum s.str. 7
Clusius primrose (subendemic) Primula clusiana 229
Kerner lungwort (endemic) Pulmonaria kerneri 229
Austrian alpine bluebell (subendemic) Soldanella austriaca 129


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