School programs


Many years of experience in nature education characterize the Kalkalpen National Park educational programmes. Activities in schools, forest workshops, adventure days or project weeks in the National Park region - there is a suitable program for every age group.
National Park ranger talking to a group of children in the forest
Adventure day with school group ©StefanLeitner

Experienced rangers arouse curiosity and enthusiasm

Making learning fun

Our national park rangers not only know every corner of the protected area, they also want to inspire enthusiasm for our wonderful nature. Pupils discover Kalkalpen National Park through play and research and learn how to treat nature responsibly in the process.

We will be happy to advise you on planning your school trip!

Information and booking

Ennstal National Park Visitor Center: Phone + 43 7254 8414-0
Email 4462 Reichraming, Eisenstraße 75

Info point Windischgarsten: Phone + 43 7562 5266-17
Email 4580 Windischgarsten, Bahnhofstraße 2


Girl looking at a beech leaf through a magnifying glass
Discover nature ©StefanLeitner



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