

Extensive forests, crystal-clear streams, wild gorges, panoramic mountain peaks and picturesque alpine pastures characterize the landscape of Kalkalpen National Park. Many animal and plant species that have become rare elsewhere find a habitat here and we humans are also welcome guests.
Woman sits on a ridge and looks over wooded mountains
Panorama Kalkalpen National Park ©StefanLeitner

Alpine hiking, mountain hiking, experience the UNESCO World Heritage beech forests

All hiking routes in the tour portal

They can be downloaded free of charge from wildniswandern.kalkalpen.at:


  • The tours can be sorted and selected according to personal requirements using the criteria easy-medium-difficult, circular tour, family-friendly, refreshment stops and more

  • The tour data can be downloaded in various formats: GPX / KLM / Print overview as Pdf

  • When planning your tour, please pay attention to possible road closures, detour, current conditions


  • Please do not forget to save the tour "offline" on your smartphone before you set off, as cell phone reception is not always available in the forest wilderness of the national park. Also make sure you have enough battery power

  • For tours lasting several days, please reserve your sleeping place in advance - on some days the huts are fully booked

  • Recommended maps: KOMPASS hiking, cycling and ski touring map no. 70 (with Active Guide) Kalkalpen National Park at a scale of 1:50,000
    CARTO.AT hiking, cycling and ski touring map no. 401a and 402b (double pack) Kalkalpen National Park West at a scale of 1:35,000
    All maps are available at the Kalkalpen National Park visitor centers and in shops.
A woman and a man in hiking gear look around
Alpine pasture hike ©SonjaSchäfer



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