Forest workshop


Microscopes, specimens and natural materials: in our forest workshop, children and young people get active themselves. We explore the trees of the forest wilderness, mysterious wood-eaters and creatures in the forest floor.
Forest workshop with writing tablet and monitor and self-built nesting boxes
Forest workshop ©Kalkalpen National Park

The program can be booked all year round!

Forest workshop

There are five programs to choose from

  • Animal tracks
    Footprints, feeding marks, feathers and pellets tell us stories about the lives of wild animals. We learn to interpret some of the many different tracks.

  • Trees of the forest wilderness
    Which leaves and fruits belong to which tree? Our most important indigenous tree species will be explored in a playful way.

  • Wood-eaters - dead wood is life
    Dead wood is a special feature of near-natural forests. Under the microscope, we get to know wood-eaters and their enemies, the wood-eaters.

  • Forest soil habitat
    A wondrous world is hidden beneath our feet. We take a look at the micro-world of the forest floor and discover woodlice, earthworms and millipedes.

  • Climate change - forest
    How does climate change affect nature? We learn important connections in a playful and understandable way and recognize the great importance of biodiversity.


Girl looks through a microscope
Forest workshop ©AndreasMayr

Our offer
Forest workshop for schools

Groups please book in advance

Tip! Combine the forest workshop with an adventure day at Kalkalpen National Park.

  • People

    Suitable for pupils of all school levels

  • Bookable all year round

  • Euro

    Euro 15,- including exhibition Wunderwelt Waldwildnis (3 - 4 hours, depending on module)

  • Recommended equipment

    Snack and drink, weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes (sneakers)

  • Registration, meeting point

    Ennstal Visitor Center: Phone +43 7254 8414-0,




Here it goes on

test 2 MM

first 2 MM


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