Forest wilderness


Exhibition shows a forest wilderness with its inhabitants
Exhibition Wunderwelt Waldwildnis ©Theny

Exhibition with forest cinema open all year round!

"Wonderful world of forest wilderness"

The diversity of the wild forest has been brought indoors in a large diorama. You can see lynx, deer, badgers and foxes, as well as the birds of the forest and even the smallest insects in leafy branches and under the bark of trees. The feeding traces of book printers and the like are hidden under wooden flaps and you will learn the difference between wood-eaters and wood-eaters. You will find out how tall the largest tree in the national park is and how old trees become if they are allowed to grow as old as nature intended. We will introduce you to the bush drummers of the forest wilderness and you can try to drum as fast as a woodpecker on the woodpecker xylophone.

In the forest cinema, the fascinating nature film "Am Weg zur Waldwildnis" immerses you in the fairytale landscape of the Reichraminger Hintergebirge: secluded gorges, diverse forests and with black stork, bear and lynx as the main characters.

The "Wilderness in the ground" experience box is located in the outdoor area. Here you can immerse yourself in a hidden world three centimeters below the surface of the ground. You will come face to face with soil animals that have been magnified a hundredfold: predatory stonecreepers, peaceful earthworms, woodlice and sapsuckers - all for you to attack if you dare!

A woman and child standing by a tree trunk in the exhibition Wunderwelt Waldwildnis
Forest wilderness wonderland ©AndreasMayr

Admission prices

to the exhibition "Wunderwelt Waldwildnis" with forest cinema

  • Pupils of all school levels Euro 5,- (in class groups Euro 4,-)
  • Adults Euro 7,- (group discount from 10 persons Euro 5,-)
  • Family rate Adults pay - CHILDREN FREE!
Icon barrier-free facility

Our exhibition is barrier-free!

  • Accessible for wheelchair users
  • Barrier-free WC
  • Assistance dogs allowed
  • Reduced admission with disabled pass
  • Reserved barrier-free parking lot

Contact us

Ennstal National Park Visitor Center
4462 Reichraming, Eisenstraße 75
Phone + 43 7254 8414-0
Email info-ennstal@kalkalpen.at

Exhibition element shows tree trunks on whose cut surface windows with forest images open
Forest communities ©Kalkalpen National Park
Exhibition shows a forest wilderness with its inhabitants
Exhibition Wunderwelt Waldwildnis ©Theny
How old do trees get, an exhibition element
Forest wilderness wonderland ©IrisEgelseer
Display case with specimen of a badger
Badger ©IrisEgelseer
Exterior view of the Ennstal National Park Visitor Center at Kalkalpen National Park.
Ennstal Visitor Center ©Theny
Logo Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

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