National Park Board of Trustees

The National Park Board of Trustees is an advisory body of the National Park Association, consisting of seven members each to coordinate the interests of the National Park communities, forestry cooperatives, forest and landowner associations, alpine pasture associations, provincial hunting associations, tourism and seven members of the alpine associations and nature conservation organizations.

Members of the National Park Board of Trustees

National Park municipalities:
LAbg. Bgm. Dr. Christian Dörfel Chairman National Park Board of Trustees
Substitute member: Bgm. Gerhard Klaffner

Protective Association Planning Area Kalkalpen National Park:
Mag.a Gabriele Hebesberger
Substitute member: DI Bernhard Nikodem

Association of Forestry Cooperatives:
Gerhard Rettenbacher
Substitute member: Florian Past

Tourismus Oberösterreich:
Andreas Winkelhofer
Substitute member: Christian Schilcher

Upper Austrian Hunting Association:
LJM Herbert Sieghartsleitner
Substitute member: BJM Rudolf Kern

O.ö. Almverein:
Mayor Johann Feßl
Substitute member: Ing. Reinhold Limberger

Upper Austrian Forest and Landowners Association:
FM DI Gerald Putz
Substitute member: DI Hartmut Beham

ÖAV, Upper Austrian Provincial Association:
Herbert Jungwirth, MBA and Mag.a Martha Rieß
Substitute member: Mag.a Gudrun Kößner and MMag.a Liliana Dagostin

Naturefriends Upper Austria:
Gerhard Nömayr and Leopold Enzlberger
Substitute members: DI Gert Gaisberger and Mag. Philip Rafalt

Österreichischer Naturschutzbund, Landesverband Oberösterreich:
Josef Limberger and DI Bernhard Schön
Substitute members: Julia Kropfberger and Dr. Martin Schwarz

WWF Austria:
Dr. Josef Schrank
Substitute member: Christian Pichler

National Park O.ö. Kalkalpen Ges.m.b.H:
Managing Director DI Josef Forstinger

Kalkalpen National Park Authority of ÖBf AG
FM DI Johann Kammleitner




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