Partnership signed

In Steyrtal, business and nature conservation pull together

Group picture from left: Mayor Gerald Augustin, Mayor Christian Dörfel, Mayor Andreas Rußmann, National Park Director Josef Forstinger, Chairman of Wirtschaftsteyrtal Karl Schwarz and Siegfried Pramhas from the Kirchdorf Chamber of Commerce

New partnership between Wirtschaft Steyrtal and the Kalkalpen National Park

The Steyrtal Business Association and Kalkalpen National Park recently signed a pioneering cooperation agreement. This partnership aims to make optimum use of the unique strengths of both partners in order to sustainably promote and further develop the Steyrtal region.


Group picture of the members of Wirtschaft Steyrtal
National Park Partner ©KurtPlursch

Members' meeting of the Steyrtal Business Association at Kalkalpen National Park on September 11, 2024

Cooperation at eye level

The Kalkalpen National Park with its impressive nature is very well known internationally. The new cooperation agreement will make targeted use of this brand awareness to further promote both tourism and economic opportunities in the region.

"Together, we will find innovative ways to further develop the Steyrtal region as an attractive place to live, work and spend leisure time. Through this partnership with Kalkalpen National Park , we want to make even better use of our strengths," explained Chairman Karl Schwarz.

National Park Director Josef Forstinger also expressed his enthusiasm: "The partnership with Wirtschaft Steyrtal is an important step towards emphasizing the benefits of this unique natural landscape for the economy. At the same time, we are continuing to support the successful sustainable development of the region."

The cooperation agreement was developed in an intensive working process by both sides. It marks the beginning of a promising partnership to make the most of the region's natural and economic resources while preserving our landscape.

For further information please contact
Regina Buchriegler




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