Our new
partner schools

Primary and secondary school Reichraming

The partnership between Reichraming primary and secondary school and Kalkalpen National Park was sealed with a school party.

On the bridge over the Reichraming Bach, students and the teaching staff lined up for a group photo

Two new
National Park partner schools

Primary and secondary school Reichraming

Reichraming is the gateway to the densely wooded Hintergebirge mountains. The Reichraming primary and secondary schools are therefore located directly at the entrance to Kalkalpen National Park. This is why the two schools wanted to intensify their collaboration with Kalkalpen National Park .

National Park Director and Teacher Sign Partner School Agreement
Signing of partner school ©Andreas Mayr

School partnership sealed

After initial contacts with Angelika Stückler from the national park, the key points of the future cooperation were agreed. The close cooperation has now been officially sealed as part of the school festival. The cooperation agreements were signed by National Park Director Josef Forstinger, Primary School Principal Petra Hörmann and Secondary School Principal Daniel Rauch.

For the first time, two schools in the region entered into a cooperation with the national park at the same time. The Kalkalpen National Park thus accompanies the children and young people of Reichraming from the first to the eighth grade. They learn about the national park as an international protected area on their doorstep, discover animal tracks and rare plants during ranger programs and understand why ancient trees and dead wood are vital for the survival of so many forest organisms. National Park content will be increasingly taught in the classroom in future, excursions to the protected area will take place regularly and informative National Park book packs will be available for school libraries.

All classes took part in the successful celebration with songs, dances, poems, interviews and drawings. One line in particular aptly summarized the special features of Kalkalpen National Park - it read: "Streams, gorges you can search - in the realm of lynx and beech!" A national park supporting program was also offered for the guests with the multivision "In the realm of the lynx - on velvet paws through the world natural heritage", selected native tree species and a national park information stand. The dedicated parents' association provided refreshments and a cozy end to the evening.




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