Mountain biking

Mountain biking is not only a great sport, but also a great way to escape the stresses of everyday life and experience nature in all its glory.
Three people ride their mountain bikes in an alpine landscape
Trans National Park ©MoritzAblinger

With bike and calf the Kalkalpen National Park discover

Mountain biking with nature enjoyment

From scenic mountain bike tours through the densely wooded Hintergebirge mountains to challenging mountain tours or multi-day tours beyond the borders of the national park - there is a suitable tour for every fitness level.

  • All tours can be DOWNLOADED for FREE in our tour portal (part of
  • You can filter tours according to your requirements using the criteria easy-medium-difficult, circular tour, refreshment stops and more
  • Download tour data: GPX / KLM / Print overview as Pdf
  • When planning your tour, please pay attention to possible road closures and detour - more information HERE:
A woman and a man ride through a summery alpine landscape on mountain bikes
Mountain biking to the Ebenforstalm ©SonjaSchäfer

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